Funny Videos

Sometimes you need a break from all the deep thinking type videos, you know? My brain hurts, please tell me a joke or two. These channels usually deliver (many others of my favorites do as well, but they fit better into other categories).


Brian David Gilbert

BDG just really hits the nail on the head with his surreal musical comedy. The former host of Polygon has made a full halloween-themed ABBA parody album (very catchy), various cooking videos and is a rollerblading pro. Is there anything this man cannot do? Anyway, go watch all of his videos, now!

Internet Comment Etiquette

I've been watching this show since before it moved to its own channel (it started out on a different one called "Let's go to class"), which is wild to realize. But it's been great seeing this channel grow very slowly but surely to a million subscribers (and he deserves many more in my opinion). It is a very funny show about weird internet trends and how to "correctly" discuss the topics in the comments below. I also like that Erik is very transparently politically left-leaning, which is important to me since the show features lots of political topics like alternative medicines or Alex Jones. But then he will also throw in a video about people shaking turds out of their pant legs. Anyway, the video I have linked here is just some good old stupid fun, I have seen it at least 20 times already and it makes me laugh every time. But I can't help but recommend this one as well: Skibidi Toilet explained by 38 year old man. It is exactly what it sounds like.

Kurtis Conner

Kurtis is a standup comedian who got really popular with his videos laughing about cringey TikToks, but he also reviews weird movies or does other funny stuff like have AI write a whole script for a video. He is part of the "white comedy guy who started on Vine" trifecta, together with Danny Gonzales and Drew Gooden, but of the three I like Kurtis the most. They pften collaborate as well and one of my favorite videos came from a collab of theirs. The video I have linked here is by far my favorite though, every time I have to stay at home even though I would like to go out, the indoor boyfriend song plays in my head.

with Cindy

Originally called Read with Cindy, this channel is all about reviewing books (mostly bad YA novels that are currently popular), but also features lots of travel vlogs and other media reviews. Cindy has a very dry sense of humor which I love and the way she talks about these bad romance books is amazing. Her channel originally took off when she talked about A Court of Thornes and Roses and its sequels, which is very much so bad it's good content (according to her at least, I don't intend to read any of these books), but she has also talked about Colleen Hoover books and most recently a BookTok favorite, Haunting Adeline: A stalking romance with the worst writing I have ever seen, and let me tell you, this shit is extremely funny (but of course also very smutty, so watch out for that). I like basically everything Cindy puts out, so if you're into reading and like a good roast video, this is perfect for you.

Mike's Mike

This channel took off with a recap of all of Pretty Little Liars, a show I have seen maybe one episode of, because some of my friends were really into it at the time. But you really don't need to have seen the show to understand what's going on, it even might help with your enjoyment if you don't know anything about the wild plot of this one. He has since made more videos like this about Gossip Girl, Glee and Lost, but also does shorter videos about YA movies like Twilight or music albums he enjoyed, basically all 2000's nostalgia. He's really funny, so if you don't want to spend several hours watching him talk about Pretty Little Liars, maybe try a shorter video of his, like this one about Scream Queens.

Monster Factory

I like lots of what the McElroy brothers put out, even though I don't consume all of it regularly, since it's so much content, but I often listen to MBMBaM and sometimes watch some of their Let's Play stuff (for example I like this video where they play Spy Party a lot). Monster Factory is the series of theirs I watch the most, and of it the Spore videos are just the best. The idea is to see how fucked up of a character you can create in different videogames with character creators, and oh boy, there sure are some wild things possible in some of these games! I also have to recommend one of the most recent ones where they somehow create a guy with a head shaped like a tooth and this old one about Zeke Teenweed, an undercover cop who tries to get in with the kids at the skatepark by selling them drugs.

Any Austin

This channel is all about weird little things in videogames that the host likes, mainly RPGs. He also works for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (at least the one that operates in Skyrim and the land of Pokémon) and goes around these games to determine the unemployment rate in each town. Sounds kind of boring but is somehow captivating, expecially since he has a very dry and kind of understated type of humor which I like. He also does other stuff like follow the NPCs in Fallout 3 around or examine the woodworking in Tears of the Kingdom. If you like to peek behind the curtain of how videogames are designed, this is the right place for you!


Even though they haven't made new videos on their main channel in years and have instead shifted to making their podcast/show full time (which I watch from time to time), I still come back to the old videos every now and then. Some of them are definitely not pc anymore, but I still have major nostalgia for them and don't mind the occasional bad joke very much, since the current stance of the show is very openly liberal (they made a whole podcast with Hasan Piker after all). Their video about psychics is probably my favorite of all time, but I also like the series with idubbz (who I also used to watch back in the day) a lot, especially this one about Logan Paul, or this one about a show where parents catfish their own children (I still quote "are you crazy, are you out of your mind" with my friends all the time).


This channel is all about movies, but not in a video essay way, which is why it is featured here. The host is a film student (graduate?) who makes some funny reviews/reactions like this one about Jack and Jill or this one about every Oscar best picture winner ever. Very funny and also something for the gays!


She hasn't posted in a while, but she will always be remembered as the channel that gave us the best ytp of the Star Wars prequels of all time. I come back to watch these videos several times a year. Amazing all around, especially the third one.


This is another channel I have been watching for many many years and still like the content. Sometimes Adum gets a bit too negative with his reviews in my opinion (I generally like more positive stuff, people talking about what they love etc., unless it is really bad in a funny way), but I always enjoy the Adum & Pals videos, where he just cuts together his and his friends' reaction to dumb movies they watch.