Arts and Crafts Videos

I love doing arts and crafts and like to watch related content, especially miniature building stuff. Not only are many of the channels I list here very informative for actually learning about crafting etc., but even if you aren't into these hobbies yourself, it can still be a lot of fun to watch other people be creative (at least it is for me).


Miniatures & Dioramas

Studson Studio

If you're into crafttube (is that what it's called?), you very likely already have seen Studsons most popular Video Making Howl's Moving Castle Out of Junk (which is amazing btw), seeing as it currently sits at 18 million views. So instead I'm going to recommend one of his newer videos which conveniently merges to of my favorite videogames together: Tears of the Kingdom and Katamari! Studson Studios is my favorite crafting channel, as he uses mostly trash for his builds, and even if you don't usually watch content like this, I'd really recommend checking him out, as his videos are very well made and also very funny.


This channel is primarily about making and customizing miniatures for tabletop roleplaying games (something I am big time into, less so the miniatures part, though). But the subject matter isn't what I like most about this channel, it is more Trent's energy and way of going about his art that I love a lot. I want to bring as much carefree energy and drive for collaboration to my own art projects as he does. If you like infectious chaotic artists, you will like this.

Boylei Hobby Time

Boylei Hobby Time very regularly posts to showcase the process of making dioramas for his own universe, the Imaginary Wild West, a place where cryptids and other monsters are alive and well and must be fought off by monster hunters, something which is very much up my alley. He also sometimes makes Star Wars related dioramas, which I also like a lot. The videos are usually pretty short, so give this one a watch if you're interested!

North of the Border

Another miniature and model making channel with pretty regular uploads, this time with a focus on really excellent clay sculpting. North of the Border makes lots of videogame related stuff and has lately focused on making "creepy" realistic versions of cartoony characters and creepypastas, so if you like stuff like this, this channel might be for you. I have linked one of his videos making the different Kirbys from Forgotten Land, though, because I like Kirby.

Crossing Crafts

Crossing Crafts is very obviously inspired by Studson Studio, but still its own thing. The creator behind this channel makes many Zelda builds, including this one of Tarrey Town, my favorite sidequest from Breath of the Wild. If you like Studson you will like this channel as well.


If you are as much into dinosaurs as I am, you should definitely check out this channel. Kayakasaurus makes great dioramas and sometimes pretty big sculptures of dinosaurs, while paying a lot of attention to staying as anatomically correct as possible. Great content.


Another diorama channel (god, I watch a lot of these), this time with a more general artsy vibe. The creator always makes a conceptual painting in the beginning and also makes other videos, e.g. about writing artsy letters to her friends. Many Ghibli themed builds again, which I love.

Something Wicked

This really young channel combines a love for the medieval period with sculpting and the results are awesome. The artist behind this one uses medieval drawings of weird creatures and brings them into the 3rd dimension, meanwhile talking about the history and mythology behind these creatures. It's great and I hope he continues to make many more videos!

Bentley House Minis

This channel is a little different in that it doesn't show you the whole process of a build in one giant video and instead takes you on a journey through making these elaborate dollhouse projects. I like the more relaxed pace, as it makes me less worried about the time I spend working on my own projects. The video I have linked here is from the ongoing series "Making a Beetlejuice Dollhouse", which is my favorite series on the channel.

Crafters Bliss

This is a video from a pretty new and small channel, which probably got recommended to me because of the Ghibli theme. I was glad it did, though, as the person behind this channel makes dioramas in 1:100 scale, which is extremely impressive and fascinating to watch. There are even functional doors and drawers in most of them! Insane.

Boulder Creek Railroad

The OG diorama channel (in my mind) and probably one of the most detail-oriented ones out there. Many of the other channels listed here have confessed of using his techniques, so if you want something really educational in regards to (railroad) diorama building, this is the one to go to.


Mateusz Urbanowicz

Mateusz Urbanowicz has my favorite art channel I have discovered to date. He lives in Japan and has worked on some big budget anime movies in the past, but is now an independent artist who makes watercolour illustrations. I love his style and he inspired me to take up watercolors myself for a while (it's such a difficult medium to get good at...). The video I have linked here is from my favorite series on his channel, Tokyo Storefronts. Unfortunately he barely posts videos anymore, but there is still a pretty big backlog you can go through if you like his style.

Alex Breaux

This is a small vlog channel of an art student at a Miami art school. I get recommended these vlog channels from time to time and even though I thought about going to an art school for a while when I was younger and am still interested in what the day-to-day is like as a student there, I usually don't connect with these videos. But I like Alex' more neutral style and unbothered attitude, which makes these videos very relaxing and motivating to watch.

Sinix Design

This channel by an art teacher showcases his pieces and gives actual instructions and tips for (digital) drawing (e.g. on anatomy) that I like a lot. I don't really draw or paint much at all anymore, but sometimes these videos do inspire me to pick up my brushes again and have some fun creating bad little paintings.

Baumgartner Restoration

This one falls squarely into the "oddly satisfying" niche, as it is not really about art making but about preservation an restoration. Which doesn't mean that there isn't a tremendous amount of skill on display here. I find these videos to be very relaxing and good to fall alseep to, and have linked you my favorite project of his to date, a very frustrating and difficult conservation of a piece which has previously been very badly conserved, something Baumgartner curses about a lot, which is fun.



I would love to actually learn programming one day, alas, I get frustrated too easily if something I try doesn't immediately work the way I want it to, which is the only reason I have not yet created my very own dream point-and-click adventure. But watching people be good at something I know next to nothing about is still fun and gives me the illusion I am actually learning something. Although if you actually learn something from watching this channel, I am truly impressed. This one is much more about being silly and having fun.


You might have heard of the game Hyperbolica, an indie title where you control a character in hyperbolic space. The creator of this game has his own youtube channel where he explains the concept behind his games and how he solved the technical problems that come with setting games in unconventional spaces. His newest game takes place in four dimensions, which is something right up my alley (I am fascinated with the concept of higher dimensions and love all attempts at visualising them). Anyway, if you love math and/or programming and/or innovative indie games, definitely check this one out!


This channel hosts tutorials and devlogs as well as general developer tips and stuff, but what I actually watch is the "4 Devs one Art Pack" series, which is super fun and interesting to watch, because the developers get so creative with what they are given. I don't know if this channel has originated the concept of getting other game dev youtubers together for a mini game jam, but I have seen other channels try doing it as well and this one is by far my favorite.

RujiK the Comatose

This channel has quite the following despite having so few videos, but the devlogs about a pokemon type game with procedurally generated animals are just really great and informative content and very fun to watch.


Angela Clayton

This channel is all about recreating historical fashion, which is another topic I find really interesting. Angela is less concerned with using historical techniques than some other channels out there and has more fun with the clothes she makes, which I like a lot. She also has videos following old sewing patterns, though, if you're more interested in the historical aspect of the channel.

Micarah Tewers

This channel is less about learning something about (historical) sewing and much more about the chaotic weird personality of the host Micarah Tewers (okay, maybe she just seems weird to me because she lives in such a different reality than I do). But I really love that about the internet, being able to peek into the mind of a very christian, homeschooled person from middle America and being connecting to her through a shared interest. Also, her videos are just really fun, which is always a plus.